Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions can be found in the Terms and Conditions.
Can I change parking locations?
In addition to the 3 lots available for monthly parking, Diamond Canada sells monthly permits at 2 on-street parking zones. The parking zone permits (Green Zone and Yellow Zone) allow the parker to exceed the posted on-street time limits in the designated areas. The specific streets within these zones can be viewed on the map at this link.
What if I purchase a permit part-way through the month?
Permits can be purchased at any time and can be used as soon as they are purchased. All permits are for a calendar month or a calendar quarter. Permits purchased part-way through a month or quarter are prorated so you only pay the amount of days used.
Although the amount of permits sold can be controlled, Diamond Canada cannot control other factors which may impact parking availability. For example, the amount of vehicles utilizing the 3 hours of free parking at the garage is not regulated. As a result, there may be days when no parking spaces are available in your parking area. In this instance, please call the Diamond Parking local office at (541) 317-2805 and you will be directed to other available parking options where your permit will be honored.
What if I drive more than 1 vehicle?
Although you may have several different vehicles in your account settings, only 1 vehicle may be active at a time. To change the active license on your account, click on the “Manage Permits” button to bring up the most recent permit purchases. Click on the “action” button to the right of the active permit and attach the vehicle being driven.
Why did my license active license plate changed without any action from me?
We have discovered that when your permit is renewed and your card is charged (usually on the 15th), the active license plate at that moment is the license plate that will be on the renewal. This means that if you change your active license in PermitPoint between the renewal and the end of the month, PermitPoint may revert back to the other license plate that was active when the renewal processed earlier in the month. We are waiting for a software fix to this problem, but until the changes are made, it is recommended that customers review the active license plate on their account at the beginning of the month just to play it safe. If you purchase a quarterly permit, please check at the beginning of the next quarter.
How do I cancel my permit?
Call the local office at (604) 681-8797 or email to cancel your permit.
Can I get a refund for an unused permit?
No refunds are issued once the new permit starts at the beginning of the month.
Can I change parking locations?
Because of the different rates for permits in Canada, it is recommended the parkers contact the local office at (604) 681-8797 or email to complete the process of changing permit zones with the least amount of hassle.